Tzatziki Recipe and a Product Review

Today’s gluten-free Tzatziki recipe and product review is in celebration  of May, Celiac Awareness Month. For anyone who is unaware, Celiac Disease is a disease that affects the digestive system. The consumption of glutens, most commonly found in wheats, ryes, and barley, aggravates the condition to such an extent that disease sufferers are required to…… Continue reading Tzatziki Recipe and a Product Review

Cranberry Relish

Post 3 in my 12 Days of Christmas Recipes Series My grandmother-in-law gave me a million dollars last week. Well, maybe not a million dollars… but something worth close to that figure. Saying that she is an excellent cook and hostess would be an understatement. When my husband and I first started dating, she welcomed…… Continue reading Cranberry Relish

Pumpkin-Shaped Cheese Ball

I have made a cheese ball for every party I’ve ever hosted, and this year is no different. They are usually a pretty big hit, but I don’t mind leftovers because it makes a great snack for the next day when I’m cleaning up after the party. In the past, the cheese balls I made…… Continue reading Pumpkin-Shaped Cheese Ball


There are few things in life that I love more than Mexican restaurant-style salsa. The Mexican restaurant near our old apartment in Glasgow served the best salsa I’ve ever had, and I experimented for months trying to find the perfect combination of flavors. I really started to panic when I realized we would be moving…… Continue reading Salsa!